I would like to thank the Committee for inviting me to Judge Deerhounds at their well run show. I would also like to thank my efficient steward & the exhibitors for their support.
Puppy (0)
Junior (0)
Limit (4, 1)
1st Shannon’s Erewhon Firefly Very shapely 20 month old bitch with a beautiful head and expression, dark eye and crisp coat. Well balanced and of good length and bone. Excellent shoulder placement and with good return of upper arm. Nice width in the rear with good fallaway and strong hindquarters. Good bend of stifle low hocks. Excellent movement and kept her top line. BOB
2nd Samway’s Erpingham Magnus Cassacre . 3 year old Mature Male Strong head and expression well set ears. Would have liked a better return of upper arm . Good length and strong loin well muscled rear and a good bend of stifle. Movement was excellent.
3rd Jansons Nixophel Carnelian Red . 2 year old dog very pleasing on the eye. Moved well although was a little skittish . Would have liked a bit better rear angulation. Needs to mature.
Open (3)
1st Shannon’s Erewhon Wanton Flame. Beautiful Shapley dark 7 year old bitch, feminine head and expression with neat ears. Strong neck leading into excellent shoulder placement. Well sprung ribs. Strong loin Good bend of stifle low hocks. Excellent movement .nice steady gait kept her top line moved very well RBOB
2nd Jansons Nixophel Crystal Rose. 2 year old feminine bitch . Pretty head neat ears. Nice front . Good length and strong loin well muscled rear. Would have liked to have seen a deeper chest. However movement was very good
3rd Shannon’s Erewhon Celestial Fire
Kim Holt (Ollandsheart)